The time is simply right for me to hang up my boots.
How could I sum up all my years and experiences at work in just a few words? No way! I won’t even try. What I can say is that it’s been reallyenriching and extremely pleasant.
In my time as a worker in Pablo Serrano I have always found there’s more to learn. Coming here every day has always been interesting. My colleagues, my friends, the best I could have ever imagined. The friendships forged, the incredible moments we have shared, our ambitious projects have been an extraordinary part of my life. I’d like to thank every member of the school community for their support. All the things you’ve done for me will not be forgotten.
As for my students, you are the main reason why I have been so happy teaching. Day after day your energy has renewed my own interest and passion. You have inspired me and shown me different values. You’ve made me better, and for that I thank you.
I hope everyone enjoys their work as much as I have and I wish you all the best for the future.
Just one last thing for my dear students, concerning what we’ve been working on together, do not forget that the limits of the languages you speak are the limits of your world.
Be a lifelong learner, stay safe and maintain the passion