Los días 29 y 30 de marzo se celebró en el acuario de Zaragoza el concurso de deletreo en inglés ‘Spelling Bee’, en el que participó alumnado de todos los centros de Aragón. Nuestras alumnas Paula Pascual y Beatriz Pauliuc de 2º ESO C participaron en la modalidad júnior y, junto con Asuna Xie, de 3º ESO A, nos representaron en la modalidad sénior. Todas las participantes superaron las dos primeras rondas y estamos muy orgullosas de ellas. Aquí podéis leer sus impresiones:


On Wednesday 29th of March, we were in charge of representing the Pablo Serrano school in the spelling contest in English, the ‘Spelling Bee’. Our experience was very good, even if we didn’t win, we’d like to take part again in the future. We had a great time during the contest and in the magic show. There was a very good atmosphere and the place was beautifully decorated. Thanks for this experience. Paula Pascual and Beatriz Pauliuc, 2nd ESO C.


On March 30, my partner and I participated in the Spelling Bee contest, the contest was at the Zaragoza aquarium and everything was great, personally I didn't get so nervous and I really enjoyed that incredible experience, apart from the contest we also enjoyed a magic show and although we did not win, it was worth participating. Asuna Xie, 3rd ESO A.


Hello everyone, I'm Tina, one of the contestants of Spelling Bee Intermediate. I had a great time in the contest, it was an opportunity to do something that has to do with English but is even more fun. First, because there were other people from other schools and secondly because we were in a super nice aquarium, super decorated. I loved it, it  was super cute! We did not win but there was also a man who did some magic tricks and it was great fun! Also, his tricks took away our nerves.I hope that in fourth of ESO we can participate again and if we can not, we’ll give the opportunity to other students.Thanks. Tina Ndiaye, 3rd ESO A.